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Showing posts from November, 2017

Reflections on a Year

One year.  As I reflect back on years passed, I have always marked years with milestones. Graduations, marriage, a new job, renovations on our home, and most recently, a baby. The rest of the details of the year slip away while I hold on to the memories of these "accomplishments." Aren't those the most important? Photography by Joelle Messerschmidt Over the last few weeks, I have reminisced about the past year, and instead of milestones, I am holding fast to the moments. The breath of new life, snuggles in the wee hours of the morning, the grasp of tiny fingers, and laughter.  Memories that I pray never slip away. Frequently I am asked about Kathryn's baby book documenting her milestones. The date of the first smile, the first roll over, the first tooth, and the first steps.  I have no record of Kathryn's milestones! I feel like I need to use the emoji of the lady with her palm covering her face. What kind of mom does not keep up with these huge milest...